In response to a growing population and influx of new families within the District and the lack of educational space on the north side of the interstate to accommodate that growth, the City of Mandan required the District to explore additional classroom space for students. Red Trail Elementary School was designed in 2012 and opened its doors in 2014.
In the original design, there were provisions made to add classrooms on the northwest side of the existing building. However, with the District, it was decided that this location was not the best option. The greenspace on the northwest side was a valuable playground area that administration did not want to sacrifice. Looking at the facility, its layout, and available land on the site, it was decided to add classrooms to the southeast side of the existing school. This allowed some separation of the older students from the younger students, while still maintaining proximity to common spaces like the cafeteria, library, and gymnasium. The new addition included eight classrooms, a resource room, and a Title classroom.