Transitioning from school superintendent to development advocate for ICON Architectural Group has been a remarkable journey. Although I have much to learn, with the passing of each day, I find myself incredibly inspired and a tad more comfortable.
When my school district worked with ICON a few years back my eyes were opened to the world of architecture and construction. Previously, my experience in such, centered itself around Legos. Literally, I had zero experience. When it comes to construction, picking up a hammer and such, I’m a complete liability. My wife can vouch for that.
But, I’ve quickly realized (and realizing even more so today), that it’s not about building structures, rather it’s about transforming lives. At ICON, our philosophy transcends construction, and every building we design is a catalyst for change, a space where individuals can thrive, and communities can flourish.
This is precisely why the transition has been remarkable. I’ve found that I fit in very well. My passion for education mirrors the passion ICON has when it comes to desired outcomes. We both want to create environments that maximize learning outcomes for students.
I saw this occur this summer sitting around a table with a client talking about their project. The conversation shifted from marketing strategy to an intellectual discussion about human purpose. It was an hour of thought-provoking insights which in the end, all I could think about was how much I love this new job.
At ICON, we are genuinely committed to learning with and from our clients. We don’t impose our own ideas or agendas. We engage in meaningful dialogue to fully understand the unique needs and desires of our clients. It is in this way we ensure that we maximize programming and outcomes for students and teachers. Just as the “one size fits all” approach doesn’t fit the narrative for each individual child in our schools, it doesn’t fit the narrative at ICON either. We truly want to understand your unique needs so that each one of your students and teachers feels inspired to do amazing things within their environment.
This reminds me of something we all should take note of. What our eyes often see can blind us from reality. I’ve said this a million times when it comes to the children and teachers that walk the halls of schools, and even the people we pass by during the day. On the outside things may look great, but just past the smile and name brand clothes a different story may exist. Every single one of us has a story to be told, and I’d encourage you to never pass on an opportunity to hear someone’s story.
At ICON, we want to do just that. We want to hear your story. We can certainly design the most eye-appealing building, but it won’t function as it should if it doesn’t tell your story.
As for my story, my feet are officially starting to get wet with my new position and I’m ready to continue to learn how ICON can be an advocate for you. I greatly appreciate you taking time to read this, and I’d love to hear from you. Don’t hesitate to reach out on our social media channels, give us a call, or shoot us an email. We are ready to hear your story.